Sunday, July 28, 2013

random thoughts 4th set of photos

1836 - shoes
1839 - tea cups
3796 - scorpions

Random thoughts 3rd set of photos

Fancy shoes
Chinese baby

Random thoughts - more photos

Little girl's dress

Fancy shoes

Fancy shoes

Random thoughts

We have talked about all the way through China and wanted to share: The girls wear such beautiful dresses even for everyday activities, both young and older. For example a girl mopping a sidewalk wearing a black lace dress. The fabrics are so lightweight we think because of the warmth and humidity. There is lots of very sheer fabric and always flowing parts, ruffles, pearls, embroidery, or sparkles. The shoes are also amazing. If they were not so expensive and we had tons of room we would have all been tempted by the shoes. Very high heels, bangles, sparkles, and all kinds of straps. We felt a little like Goliaths in our sneakers!

Another thing that has been tons of fun is noticing faulty translations. We should have kept writing as we saw them but here are a few we have seen this past few days: Slip carefully
Travelers troop together this way>
Internet assecc
Musical dry fountain!
There are always someone blessing you wherever you are.
T-shirt which read Coco is my good no good moing. (Cami bought this one because she loves cocoa.)
Saussage (sausage)

Things we loved:
Polite sayings:
Captain of airplane: we cherish the opportunity to serve you.
Everyone always wishes you a pleasant journey and a happy family.
Our guides always say Yah after each sentence...meaning like you understand?
One guide could not say R sound. Every time he wanted to gather our group (daisy group) he would say very loudly DAISY GLOOP! We loved it!
The guides also would say, breakfirst instead of breakfast
Big puffy down comforters

Some foods we will not miss:
Pork organs or tongues
anything slimy we cannot recognize
Brown rubbery egg preserved in soy brine
Any noodles for a while
Airplane food in general
Lip-numbing spicy food
Anything with eyes looking at you
Dumplings with unknown contents
Fishy things
Snakes and little bugs(Lynea only)

Foods we will miss:
Chinese yogurt
Coconut palm juice
Lemon soda
Roasted crunchy salty peanuts

Things we will not miss:
Crazy traffic and streets
Smells of the streets
Chinese breath
70% plus humidity

Things we will miss:
Chinese children and babies
Nice 5 star hotels
Not having to prepare breakfast

Lora's Orphanage Visit

Another wonderful visit! We drove out of Zhanjiang to Lora's orphanage in Dianbai, which took a little less than two hours. Her orphanage is in a much smaller place , so I expected they might not be as organized and prepared as the larger places we had been and at first it seemed colder and less friendly but as we continued the visit things got better. First she handed us a little picture which we don't believe is Lora but she assured us is. We will have to study it further.

Babies in Lora's orphanage
We asked our questions and then she took us to the babies' room. We took a few pictures before they told us not to take pictures, so we have just a few. The babies were cute, and it is always kind of difficult to think of them lying there without much interaction. In this orphanage and Cami's it felt like there was just not enough attention . . they seemed to be just a spending their first year lying in a crib. I asked how long they are in the infant room and the answer both times seemed to be when they are able to get around or "take care of themselves". Then they go to a toddler room. When we went to that room several of the children wanted to play and interact so we stayed for quite a while and just played. Most of the children in orphanages in China now are special needs. It seems that they are allowing enough domestic adoption and foster care that most of what we have seen is only special needs children in orphanages. They are also allowing families to have two children if they are financially well enough off. We did get quite a few pictures and video in this room. One little child, we thought a boy, was so very friendly. Brought us a doll and wanted to touch the girls' hair. We later were told it was a girl, which really was interesting because she had noticed my earrings, the girls nail polish, barrettes, etc. Her little hands were so dainty and she would touch our fingernails and then put her little finger out. We taught her patty cake and she really seemed to like that. We gave her a little sparkly flower pin from Lora's hair but she kept taking it out and trying to put it in my hair. We even tried putting it in her doll's hair but she always put it back in my hair. I hugged her a couple of times and she liked that and hugged back. We all would have liked to take her home and give her a better life.

We saw a few older children up to age 16 but just said hello to them as they watched TV. They let us look at Lora's file and take pictures of any papers we did not have. Only thing I did not recognize was a medical record which might tell us how much she weighed when found and some growth record. Will have to get it translated. Went to a favorite local restaurant with the director which again was a ton of food and some different things. Duck soup with lychee nuts was one of the different things as well as some kind of fish steaks. This area is very near the ocean so lots of seafood. We knew we were going to Lora's finding spot in a very small town next and asked if it was big enough for us to be able to buy some kind of keepsake from her birth place. They said maybe some shells. Then the director said she had a shell at the orphanage she would like to give Lora. She gave each of us a pretty peach-colored shell necklace and one to take to another girl who lives in Meridian that we traveled with to adopt Lora. They were adopted the same day from the same orphanage. She welcomed Lora back and said to bring her future family back when she is married.

Longhsan Town market place, Lora's finding place.

Next drove to Long Shan town about another half hour. Lora was left at the market place of this town. Wow, what a fun and amazing experience to see this place. There were aisle after aisle of vegetables, meats, live chickens being butchered, shells, fish, you name it. Lora just wandered for a while getting a feel for this place which has only been a word on a paper until now. Smells were interesting and just the throngs of people were fun to see. 
Fruit common in Dianbai area
We were surprised at so many people in the middle of the day on a Thursday. At first our driver was not sure how to even get to this town so we were so grateful to have found it and actually get to see the market place! We decided to look through the market for some lasting keepsake of her actual birthplace. We were thinking of something like rice bowls. Our guide and driver asked around and kept searching, and sure enough they found a little shop with lots of rice bowls. Lora was able to get a set of 6 for her future family and we were so delighted to have found them...a perfect end to a great visit!! I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed with gratitude for this whole experience in China. I think it has been all we wanted the girls to have and more!

Beach near our hotel
After driving back to Zhanjiang the guide took us to the beach, just a mile from our Hotel. I knew we were close to the ocean when we went there before but did not realize it was that close. We walked along the beach and the girls collected some shells we hope customs lets them bring home. Very beautiful plants in park there at the beach. The girls even got to see a Chinese wedding taking place on the beach. Off to Guangzhou tomorrow.

Park near our hotel

Going home

Bittersweet departure!

Crowded bus terminal

Airplane we are about to board

Leaving Victory Hotel

More pictures room the 27th

Rich Shanae

Amazing rain

Real flowers
843 - rich Shanae
3827 - amazing rain
856 - beautiful real flowers