Sunday, July 14, 2013

china activities

Lying here at 4 a.m. marveling at this experience. Overwhelmed at the unbelievable blessing of having been guided to these four beautiful girls and having them be our daughters. . eternally. Will send most of our messages to this blog so we can keep a sort of journal for us too. I am inexpressibly grateful to my dear friend Jeni, who also shares the blessing of having the Lord guide her across the world to receive her children,for helping her electronically-deprived friend set up this blog.

We walked our feet off yesterday (to blisters for Warren) trying to find places we had been before without much success. One sweet gentleman walked out of his way a long way to lead us to "shopping" we had just left. everywhere we go people try to explain things to the girls when we don't understand, thinking they are Chinese and should understand. The younger girls are pretty insistent they don't look Chinese, but that concept has to be changing somewhat. I am sure three days in each city will not seem like nearly enough but we are so grateful to get this! I see a desire to embrace their heritage already that I had so hoped for.

Have attached pictures of a bicycle repair "shop" on the sidewalk we thought was cool, a ton of bicycles parked in front of department store, and a little man who was playing this one stringed instrument it looked like he had made from a brick or stone. He was getting really neat sounding oriental music from that very crude and simple instrument. Really unbelieveable! Will try to send today's activities a little later.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it coming I will be living vicariously through you guys thouroughly enjoying every word so write as much as you have time for, plus in my experience it is all a blur when you get home so if the girls have energy you should have them write a little too so they can remember their thoughts and stuff. They might rather do their journal but it would be fun for them to post on here too you know.
