Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday in Nanchang

Lora playing a ceramic flute-type instrument she bought at a street market.

Cami playing a ceramic flute-type instrument Lora bought at a street market.
Today was the day we separated to go to two different orphanages.    It was kind of hard, but we have figured a way to skype on the tablets that works pretty well, so that will help a lot.  We just walked around the city a little near our separate hotels because it is Sunday.  When walking in Nanchang tonight, Lora, Cami and mom went to a little street corner in a park where our guide told us there was dancing.  It was very fun.  Cami tried to get Lora to dance and then a little woman came up and danced with Cami.  I took video but was busy doing that and forgot to get a still, so we will have to add any videos we have when we get home.  Then the woman's husband came up and asked me to dance and that was very fun. . . ballroom dancing which I have not done for a long time - it was great fun!  Tomorrow are the orphanage visits, so we are looking forward and hopeful they will be as positive as Lynea's was.

Looking up at the ferris wheel

Sharolyn in the ferris wheel car

Nanchang from the top of the ferris wheel

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